What the Flush: A Report Into The Nation’s Bathroom Habits

What the Flush: A Report Into The Nation’s Bathroom Habits

22nd May 2024

What goes on in British bathrooms might be more surprising than you think! Over 50% of people spend between 30 minutes to an hour per day in the bathroom, but they might not be doing what you expect. From lengthy showers to scrolling on social media, it's clear that the bathroom is more than just a place to brush your teeth.

To learn about the nation's bathroom habits, we surveyed 1,000 people in the UK in April 2024.

Our key findings

  • Over 50% of people spend 30 minutes to an hour in the bathroom daily
  • 25% of Brits spend over 2 hours a week on the toilet
  • When asked what activities they carry out in the bathroom, respondents said:
    • Scrolling on social media (nearly 40%)
    • To engage in intimate moments with their partner (8%)
    • Take a break from family members (over 14%)
    • Singing (nearly 20%)
    • Checking work emails (5%)
    • Swiping on dating apps (4%)
    • Taking selfies (9%)
    • Online shopping (10%)
  • Over 30% of respondents have made a major life decision in the bathroom
  • Over 65% of people prefer showers compared to nearly 35% who favour baths
  • 35% admitted to falling asleep in the bath or shower
  • 15% have fallen asleep on the toilet before
  • Almost 15% of people don’t bath or shower every day
  • 15% of Brits clean their bathroom daily
  • Nearly 50% of people clean the bathroom weekly
  • The most common household bathroom-related argument is taking too long to shower
  • Over 50% of people see the bathroom as a place for meditation or relaxation

The results

Over 50% spend between 30 minutes to an hour in the bathroom each day

If you’re spending 30 minutes to an hour in the bathroom each day, that’s 3.5-7 hours a week. And over 50% of Brits are doing just that, according to our research.

Spending 7 hours a week in the bathroom adds up to 364 hours a year. That’s equivalent to about 15 days or just over two weeks each year! In that time, you could take a trip to a new country or even learn the basics of a new language.

But of course, spending time in the bathroom is important. It’s not just about hygiene – whether it’s a soak in the tub to unwind after a long day or enjoying a few quiet moments, it’s a place where people come to relax, recharge, and prepare for the day ahead.

25% of Brits spend over 2 hours a week on the toilet

Our research found that 25% of Brits spend 20 minutes daily on the toilet, which is over two hours a week and nearly 122 hours annually. This means we dedicate more time on the loo than the average UK adult spends exercising, which is 90 minutes a week, according to UK Active.

Almost 35% of people spend around 10 minutes a day in the bathroom, which totals just over an hour a week or 61 hours a year. More than 10% even spend 30 minutes a day, amounting to 3.5 hours a week or a whopping 182.5 hours a year!

When asked what other activities people carry out in the bathroom, almost 40% said scrolling on social media

And what's possibly causing this extended bathroom time? Social media. When we asked respondents what they do in the bathroom, nearly 40% said they scroll through social apps. Considering the average Brit spends around 1 hour and 48 minutes daily on social platforms, it shouldn't come as a surprise that social media is a big part of our routine, even in the bathroom.

But social media isn't the only activity keeping us occupied. 5% of people check work emails, and 4% are swiping on dating apps while in the loo, showing the multitasking nature of modern bathroom visits.

8% of respondents even said that they venture to the bathroom to engage in intimate moments with their partner. Of these people, over 25% said they do this to spice up their relationship, while others are seeking a break from the kids (10%) or simply for a change of scenery (15%).

If you think you're alone in turning your shower into a private concert hall, you're wrong: 1 in 5 (almost 20%) respondents said they love to use the bathroom as an opportunity to practice their vocals.

Over 30% of respondents have made a major life decision in the bathroom

Believe it or not, many people make big decisions while they're in the bathroom. Our study found that over 30% of Brits have found themselves contemplating and finalising major life choices while they're in there.

Whether it's pondering a career change, deciding to break off a relationship, or even plotting a move to a different city, the bathroom seems to serve as a sanctuary for reflection and decision-making.

Maybe it's just because it's quiet and there aren't many distractions, or it could be the peaceful feeling you get there that makes you think deeply. Whatever the reason, it's clear that for a lot of us, the bathroom is where we do some serious thinking about life.

So, if you've ever had a lightbulb moment while brushing your teeth or taking a shower, you're definitely not alone!

Over 65% of people prefer showers compared to 35% who favour baths

When it comes to getting clean, showers take the top spot for Brits, with over 65% preferring them compared to 35% who stand by baths.

This preference for showers speaks volumes about our fast-paced lifestyles and love for efficiency.

While a soak in a hot bath offers a relaxing break and can even improve mood and reduce stress levels, they can be time-consuming and difficult to fit into a morning routine. In contrast, showers provide a quick and effective way to freshen up.

To learn more, read our guide on baths vs showers and which is best.

35% admitted to falling asleep in the bath or shower

A surprisingly high 35% of people admitted to falling asleep in the bath or shower, highlighting just how effective these activities are for unwinding and de-stressing. The warm water and soothing environment clearly help people relax so much that they often doze off!

To make your bathroom the perfect escape after a hectic day, read our guide on how to create a spa-like bathroom at home.

15% have fallen asleep on the toilet before

Our study found that 15% of people have nodded off on the toilet – an unlikely and certainly uncomfortable place to fall asleep.

Whether it's from sickness, complete exhaustion, or using a toilet break as an opportunity to sneak in a quick nap during office hours, this surprisingly shows just how much fatigue can hit us. It leads people to grab some rest in the most unexpected places.

15% of people don’t bath or shower daily

Our study highlights some interesting habits around personal hygiene: around 15% of people don’t bathe or shower every day, while over 70% make sure to do it at least once daily. Almost 15% even bathe or shower twice a day.

Whether it’s due to time constraints, skincare routines, personal comfort, or hitting the gym regularly, everyone has their own routine and preferences when it comes to staying clean.

15% of Brits clean their bathroom daily

15% of Brits are really into keeping their bathrooms spotless, cleaning them every single day. This might be because they often have guests or they just love the feel of a sparkling clean bathroom. But don't worry if you're not part of this group – nearly 50% of people find a weekly clean just right, making it the most popular routine.

On the flip side, 2% only grab the scrubbing brush when their bathroom really needs attention. Then there are those who clean their bathroom just once a month, with a few even stretching it out longer.

To transform your bathroom from grime-y to shiny, read our step-by-step guide on how to deep clean your bathroom.

The most common household bathroom-related argument is taking too long to shower

Our survey revealed that the biggest bathroom battle in households is taking too long to shower, with over 20% of people saying it's a common issue. It's clear that when everyone's rushing to get ready, hogging the shower can really cause some tension, especially in homes where everyone's on a tight schedule.

Other frequent bathroom problems include taking too long to get ready (10%) and leaving the bathroom messy (20%).

Lucky for them, nearly a quarter of those surveyed said they don't have any bathroom-related arguments at all.

Over 50% see the bathroom as a place for meditation or relaxation

Half of the people surveyed view the bathroom not just as a functional space but as a sanctuary for meditation and relaxation.

This highlights the bathroom's dual role in modern homes: it's both a necessity for daily routines and a private retreat where people can unwind and find a moment of peace.

Our methodology

Wholesale Domestic surveyed 1,000 people in the UK aged 18+ in April 2024. The survey comprised 12 questions, each formatted with checkboxes for various responses. These questions included:

  1. On average, how much time do you spend in your household bathroom daily?
  2. On average, how long do you spend on the toilet per day?
  3. Which activities do you carry out in your household bathroom? (Please tick all that apply)
  4. If you have had sex with a partner in your household bathroom, what is your main reason for doing so?
  5. Have you ever made a major life decision in the bathroom?
  6. Have you ever fallen asleep in the bath or shower?
  7. Have you ever fallen asleep on the toilet?
  8. Do you prefer to shower or take baths?
  9. How often do you bathe or shower each day?
  10. How frequently do you clean your bathroom?
  11. What is the most common argument or debate in your household related to the bathroom?
  12. Do you see the bathroom as a place for meditation or relaxation?

The participant demographics included 43% male and 57% female, with the age distribution as follows:

  • 18-24 – 13%
  • 25-34 – 23%
  • 35-44 – 27%
  • 45-54 – 18%
  • Over 54 – 19%

The study was conducted using the third-party survey platform Pollfish.

Revamp your bathroom with Wholesale Domestic

Bathrooms are clearly crucial spaces for Brits, whether you're escaping for a moment of peace during a busy workday or enjoying a long soak in the tub to unwind after a stressful week. That's why decorating our bathrooms can have such a big impact on our daily lives – a well-designed space is not only functional but also serves as a personal sanctuary where we can relax and rejuvenate.

Whether you want to maximise your space in a small bathroom or design the perfect family bathroom, we have all you need at Wholesale Domestic. Shop everything from baths, showers, basins and toilets to accessories like mirrors, extractor fans and toothbrush holders. You can also check out our blog for inspiration or contact a friendly member of the Wholesale Domestic team for help and advice today.