Existing cookies

To clear cookies that have previously been placed on your browser, you should select the option to clear your browsing history and ensure that the option to delete or clear cookies is included when you do so.

Google Adsettings
You can manage and opt out of personalisation of advertisements by Google by visiting Googles ad settings page here Ads Personalization and by:

  • Unticking the button entitled Also use Google Account activity and information to personalize ads on these websites and apps and store that data in your Google Account
  • Switching the Ads Personalisation setting off (i.e. by ensuring the switch at the top of the page is set to the left/grey and not the right/blue).

Alternatively, you can install a free browser plugin here: Save ad settings with browser plugin

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on
You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking by installing the browser add-on which is available here: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

Facebook Pixel
You can block Facebook Pixel using our cookie control tool. This tool appears as a static message at the top of the website on your first interaction and requests that you accept the use of cookies, you have the option of refusing cookies.

Disconnect for Facebook
You can install a browser add-on tool called Disconnect Facebook pixel and FB tracking. This will stop Facebook tracking you on third party websites. You can install the too here:

European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance Tool
You can opt out of Facebook and other companies that participate in the Digital Advertising Alliance in Europe from showing you interest based ads by visiting Your Online Choices, selecting your country, clicking Your Ad Choices, then locating Facebook (and any other companies you want to block) and selecting the Off option.