Terms of Content Agreement

6. Prohibited Content

You must not upload any content to our website, or upload to our website any links to third party websites containing content which falls into any one or more of the following categories (Prohibited Content):

  1. Contains confidential information belonging to any other person, save and except where you have the legally binding authorisation of such person to upload the content to our website.
  2. Contains any advertising or promotions relating to any other business or that provides a link to any other business, without our prior written consent.
  3. Is deceptive, dishonest, deceitful, inaccurate or untrue.
  4. Misrepresents your identity, status or any affiliation you may have with any third party.
  5. Impersonates any other person or organisation.
  6. Represents or suggests that the content is provided by us or reflects our views, opinions, positions, activities or affairs.
  7. Contains any swear word or profanity, is offensive, obscene, hateful or aggressive, threatening, abusive, harassing or malicious towards any person or is likely to cause anxiety, distress, discontent or annoyance, or which promotes violence, hatred, aggression or unrest.
  8. Is in any way discriminatory towards any person or class of persons on account of nationality, race, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation or any other characteristic or ground(s) capable of constituting unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.
  9. Infringes any intellectual property rights of any other person, including, without limitation, any copyrights, database rights or trade marks.
  10. Breaches any statutory duty owed to any other person.
  11. Breaches the terms of any contract owed to any other person.
  12. Contravenes the terms of any court order.
  13. Is defamatory, disparaging, rude or insulting towards any person or organisation or which is capable of harming the reputation of any person or organisation.
  14. Contains, alludes to or describes any sexually explicit material, or which redirects users to such content.
  15. Incites, encourages, advocates or promotes any illegal activity, or assists anyone in the commission, planning or conduct of any illegal activity.
  16. Contains a statement that is likely to be understood by some or all of the members of the public to whom it is published as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to them to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of hatred, violence or terrorism.